(originally published on Mindanews at http://www.mindanews.com/mindaviews/2018/05/pagdaro-sa-kalinaw-i-am-with-you-a-lament-j/)
Today, I pray with you, though you see me not, nor hear my voice.
This blog is for people engaged in the struggle for peace and justice in our world today. I hope this provides deeper insight while provoking critical reflection on the practice of peace-making and justice-crafting, wherever you are and whatever context you are in. You will find topics here ranging from personal and spiritual reflections, shared learning, critical analysis, and social commentary on issues related to peace, justice, poverty, abundance, and reconciliation.
This blog is for people engaged in the struggle for peace and justice in our world today. I hope this provides deeper insight while provoking critical reflection on the practice of peace-making and justice-crafting, wherever you are and whatever context you are in. You will find topics here ranging from personal and spiritual reflections, shared learning, critical analysis, and social commentary on issues related to peace, justice, poverty, abundance, and reconciliation.